Is it raining cats and dogs outside? Ahh I would have to cancel all my plans for the weekend night !
….Hey Google !!
what is the weather for the weakened?
It is Cloudy with Chance of rain
er in the day with Clear Night.
.. ok Google !!
Activate my laundry and coffee !!
Google: You Got it !! your coffee will be ready in 15 Minutes and your Washing machine is turned on.
No No .. I am not stranded on a Silicon Valley island … I am in my bed room in Lahore. Connected Smart Homes have creeped in the neighborhood allover. Home Automation is not talk for the sic-fi movies anymore.

Best Home Automation system for Smart Homes in Pakistan
Wireless smarthome devices are here to stay. The technology has grown out of a mess of heavy wires in your home to complete wire free smart automation technology. No need to rip you walls to get the latest home automation in Lahore, such wireless automation systems can be installed without a ripping your house and at a affordable co What gives such smart homes systems an edge is that they can work with existing electronics which are not smart appliances. The idea of Home automation is virtually limitless.
In addition to having remote control via mobile app and freedom to customize, smart lighting systems, such as smart RGB wireless lights and bulbs from Omni RGB Downlights., can detect human presence with the help of Smart Home PIR Sensor and adjust lighting. Smart lightbulbs can also regulate themselves based on daylight availability. Control your Google home automation without even picking up your mobile with a voice command or configure it to work based on your location and local weather.
Household automation device sensors may, for example, trigger on an electrical surge and turn off electrical devices or smart home water leak sensor can switch off water pump before your waste water. No more sleepless irritated vacations thinking you may have left the main door open or Air condoning running, just open Home automation mobile app on your smart phone and check.
Could it be saving money on electricity bills, easing daily tasks, implementing home security, or just to show off, there is a home automation product to help. Home automation product market is expanding, more and more people see the need for greater customization and interactivity with their home environment.
In simple words smart home automation, can be timed or triggered by smart home sensors. Time based tasks, for example, lowering the smart automatic blinds at 7p.m., locking the main door once you switch off your bedroom lights after 9pm.
The ease with which smart home sensors & smart home electrical wall plates incorporate in our daily life and existing homes, we have an idea why cave mean ceases to exist. Life without such effortless home automation can no longer be imagined.
With everything else google has done for us, it has also eased our daily routine by automating existing household appliances and changed our life once for all.
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